Another Day, Another INSET

In February 2007 the ERT went to St Clement & St James Church of England Primary School in North Kensington, London, to present our ‘Getting in touch with the Inner Child’ training day for teachers. It was the seventh school we had visited in a programme of ‘In Service Teacher Training’ (INSET) days, sponsored by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

ERT trustee (and St James Senior Boys School head) David Boddy led the day, helped by Ian and Marie Wood of Single Image Theatre.

All of these INSET days have been professionally evaluated by educational consultant Peter Jenkins. We eagerly await his reports. They have always been very positive, and helpful in improving the programme. Peter’s report on St Clement & St James was based on interviews with head teacher Adele Stirling and some of her staff a few weeks after the INSET.

The day was judged a big success, and we’ve been invited back next year. Indeed, the team was described as ‘simply inspirational’. And Peter felt moved to finish his report ‘I find the degree of satisfaction expressed nothing short of amazing.’ These days really do seem to do what we claim for them in our brochure: ‘re-inspire & enliven teachers…refine & confirm the ethos of your school…bond the whole team…help staff & pupils find stillness within.

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