How can you help?
‘It is the prime duty of each generation to pass on to succeeding generations those principles of life which ensure peace, freedom, justice, beauty and happiness for individuals, communities and nations throughout the world.’
Shri Shantananda Saraswati
Become a Friend
Some 700 people around the world are Friends of the Education Renaissance Trust. They give us encouragement and support – moral and material. We keep the Friends in touch with our work with a twice-yearly newsletter, Report. Click here to see the latest one.
To join our mailing list and be a Friend of the ERT simply email admin@ert.org.uk with your contact details or phone 020 7727 8611.
Become a Donor
Any time you want to make a donation of any size, please send us a cheque! You can, if you wish, specify what aspects of our work you would prefer it to be spent on. Or you can donate by PayPal – just click the button.
Over 100 ERT Friends have taken out a standing order to support our work. You ask your bank to make regular payments to the ERT. Download this standing order form, complete and return it to us. You control what goes out, when, and how long for. If you are a UK taxpayer, also download the Gift Aid form and send it to us. The taxman increases your donation by the standard rate of income tax. Note that only one tax payer can claim for Gift Aid on his or her donation.
Legacies are a wonderful way of giving to charity. Over the years the ERT has received legacies great and small. Some we expected and some were a complete surprise! Including a charity in your Will saves inheritance tax from your estate. If you are considering including the ERT in your Will, you may find it helpful to download our legacy form.
US Donors
The Education Renaissance Trust is a member of the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF). The BSUF is a US charity or 501(c)(3) organisation. It can accept tax deductible donations from US tax payers and pass them on to us.
Simply say you’d like your donation to go to the Education Renaissance Trust, and they will transfer it to us (without any service fee!). The transfers are approved at their regular board meetings.
You can donate by mobile phone – go to BSUF.org – or to pay by check download the BSUF donor transmittal form here.
British Schools and Universities Foundation
641 Lexington Avenue, 15th Fl.
New York, NY, 10022-4503.
If you have any questions about giving to the ERT, please contact our fund-raiser Dorothy Venables at admin@ert.org.uk or on 020 7727 8611.