Work in Progress - The Little School with Great Spirit
Georgina and her Grade 1 class at St James Durban end-of-term concert
Georgina Melville reflects on her year volunteering as a teacher in Durban, at the newest member of the St James family of schools.
I sat in our refectory on a Friday, observing the children as they served each other at lunchtime. Their poise and dignity were marked. Something in each child had changed over the course of the past year. They have grown inwardly in stature and they shine!
When I first arrived a year ago, the sights, sounds, smells and impressions of Africa were overwhelming. It was all so different and so new. The sense, at first, was one of having hit the ground running. Little by little, the bond between the children and their teachers has grown and this sense of fellowship and of deep love has become the basis for all that has taken place.
It has been a rich year academically. Each grade has moved apace. Grade 1 have an enthusiasm for learning which is glorious! Most can now read fluently, all are able, at varying levels, to write their own independent little stories based on fables, and their love of mathematics is hard to keep up with! They have a keen sense of enquiry, particularly in the natural sciences, but have extended this recently in considering the life of ex-President Nelson Mandela. They have entered speech competitions and recently staged an adapted version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The children have even taken to greeting each other in Shakespearian speech, with gusto and enthusiasm! They are fierce in competitive sports and are known locally as ‘the little school with great spirit’.
St James Durban grows from strength to strength. It is well led by Anisha Ramlaul, who has her eye firmly fixed on the Truth, but is also served by incredibly hard-working staff and an increasingly committed body of parents. The children came with their particular strengths and weaknesses, like children anywhere. Some have had to face considerable difficulty. But each begins to draw on a deeper sense of themselves with confidence, with power and with grace.
Georgina is supported at St James by a teaching bursary from the ERT. We are delighted (and so is St James) that she has agreed to return for a second year.
These short articles about our work and the schools we support have been posted on the website over the past 20 years.
A Sanskrit Intern
Little Stars of Varanasi
Adventures in New Zealand
One good teacher can change the world
Study to be quiet
Pupil turning into teacher
4th International teachers conference
Nelson Mandela mosaic
An update from Durban
Giving fuel to the light
A New Teacher in Argentina
Teachers who have changed my life
Film Review
Teacher's Conference at Lucca
Two views from Lucca participants
An Ideological Miracle
Summer in London for South African teachers
Hungarian Teachers Learn New Skills
Georgina Says Farewell to Durban
The Powerful Pull of Africa
A Merger is Announced
New Heads and a Principal
Philosophical Enquiry in the West Indies
A teacher in New Zealand
The Little School with Great Spirit
Why does St James Teach Sanskrit?
New Heads
Thinking Through Philosophy in Grenada
Durban Story
Another Day, Another INSET
Thinking Through Philosophy
We Carry Each of These Children in Our Hearts
Bridging the Community Divide
Teacher-Training in the Squatter Camp
First ERT workshop in Johannesburg
Regenerating an Urban Community in Johannesburg
Among the most Inspiring Months Of My Life
The lifeline of a good education